Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Two Years.

Adam and I had a wonderful anniversary celebration complete with dress up and a dinner out! By dress up, I mean I put on my wedding dress and Adam put on his wedding tie and coat. Amazingly everything still fit - probably more amazing for me than for Adam. It was a lot of fun to remember our wedding day and the things that we wore... it really helped bring back all the memories of the day.

The weekend after our anniversary, we went out for dinner for the first time in over a year. We can't even remember the last time we had dinner out just the two of us. A girl just a few houses down the street from us came over after Elie went to sleep and she listened to the monitor (easiest job ever!) while Adam and I escaped and had a wonderful time out. We even got créme brûlée for dessert!

Adam and I all dressed up and no where to go!
Me wearing Adam's tie
Getting silly with the veil
Elie playing
My new Moby wrap - a wonderful gift from Anne & Bob!
Adam enjoying our fall walk

Aunt Lara & baby Vivi came to Chapel Hill

After much anticipation Lara and Vivienne finally made their trip to visit. We had such a great time - the babies napped and I had lots of time to spend with Lara. It was so nice to have company for a few days. The babies loved each other - the both grinned each time one of them would come into a room. They played well together and seemed to have a lot of fun. We had a fun trip to the park, but mainly enjoyed staying close to home and letting the babies play. We very much look forward to many more visits in the future.
Elie and cousin Vivi play together
Pajama play
Vivi's first ride in a swing!
Aunts and nieces
Aunt Lara with Elie
Elie and her very cool walker

Friday, October 23, 2009

Fall Activites

I have been working on this post and meaning to do others, but we've been busy... and Elie got a cold and has given it to me. She is feeling a bit better today, but I am a few days behind her so it's been no fun at all in our house.

Fall is in full swing here these days - beautiful weather and colors! Recently we took a trip to a local farm and had a lot of fun. We went in a corn pit, fed some goats some corn that we picked ourselves, went through a corn maze, picked cotton, went on a hayride, and picked pumpkins to take home. We all had a wonderful time and were fully exhausted when we got home. Here are some pictures from the day:
Corn pit
Hello there!
Mommy & Elie on the hay ride
Team Singer!!
Elie with friend Carabella (13 months)
Pumpkin patch
We got pumpkins!

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Some Recent Pictures

Playtime with Daddy
Hi there!
Life in a white basket
Cute socks! (from Aunt Pam)
Yoga baby