Friday, May 15, 2009

Giggles and New Friends

We have been busy lately with our play dates, keeping up with the house, and trying to find new activities to keep us busy.

My Tuesday play date has been going well and is now meeting in the afternoon which is more difficult for us due to napping, but we still get to see everyone for about an hour.

Adam has been busy tearing out poison ivy and other invasive plants from our backyard on the weekends. Hopefully he will conquer the poison ivy and then we can get a play gym for Elie in the backyard. Luckily we have some years before she will be ready for a jungle gym.

Today I tried out a story time at the library with one of the other moms from my play group. It was a lot of fun, but I think it will be even better for us once Elie gets a little bit bigger. Most of the babies were running around and we're not even crawling yet - although Elie does seem to be getting closer and closer each day.

We also met another mom in our neighborhood who has a little boy two months older than Elie. She is home every other week with her son and so we are planning on getting together for some walks.

Now I am looking into some active classes I can take (such as Salsa Babies!) for either this summer or the coming fall. I have been itching to get out and meet some new friends, both for myself and Elie as you can probably tell. And, to make it easier one of the moms from my play group, Candice, and I have been meeting for walks and she was at the library today and we want to sign up for one of these classes together. Oh the joys of being a stay-at-home mom! I feel so lucky! Oh and I had a terrific first mother's day thanks to Adam (and Elie)!

Here is a video of some of the fun Elie and I have during the day... She just loves it when Adam and I kiss her and pretend to eat her up! So much fun!

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Red Wheelbarrow

so much depends

a red wheel

glazed with rain

beside the white

-William Carlos Williams

Friday, May 1, 2009

The Pits!

One more thought on teething... appears I've had this thought for a long time! I had to scan in this old photo of myself -- only if I still had the onesie! Although I was quite a bit older in this photo than Eliora is now. Too funny!

Tooth Puns... for Great Grandma Lila

So it seems that Eliora is teething. She’s drooling a lot more than she used to and is rather cranky. I think she really wants to get the tooth, but she can’t yet handle the tooth. I guess we’ll just keep at it until she gets the tooth, the whole tooth, and nothing but the tooth. I dared her not to get teeth, so I guess it’s up to her: tooth or dare. She hasn’t been crying too much, but she has been a little whinier and more talkative than before... I guess the tooth hurts. Here's some fun pictures of Elie being happy despite the tooth.

Thank goodness it's Friday and Adam is coming home soon!