Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Happy 5770! Happy Autumn!

Here is a quick video of Eliora walking around the table and going for my computer - she will do anything to get to the computer. Sorry it's so dark, but I wanted to post something showing her cruising ability. She is crawling on hands and knees now as well as pulling up and cruising on anything nearby. We've had to baby proof a bit more and rethink some other things in the house. I've just come to accept that this will be an ongoing process for a while as she becomes more and more mobile.

Rosh Hashanah services were quite different this year since we also have Eliora to look after. We didn't stay for quite as long as previous years, but we had a very nice celebration nonetheless.

It's amazing that fall is here, it's 5770, our nephew Skyler is 8!!!, Adam and I have almost been married for 2 years, and Eliora will be 1 in two months! So much to celebrate! So much to look forward to!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

And recently...

So, two weeks back from the beach now and we've been rather busy. Adam has been really busy at work and I have been busy with the baby and playgroups. Elie has been busy as well. She cut her first tooth on my birthday and then the second one followed just a few days ago. Teeth make for a cranky baby (just a little), but it's fun to see the changes in her and how she adapts to these strange things growing in her mouth. Once they're fully in I'll snap a picture to post. She's busy moving about crawling and climbing up on things and doing all things baby. We have a new playgroup on Wednesday mornings and I hosted the first meeting this past week. It was a bit crowded with about 8 mother - baby pairs. But, it was nice to meet new people and hopefully this will continue to be a good playgroup. Adam and I are off for a lunch date today while Gale and Peter come over for a little bit. Adam is also taking Labor day off tomorrow so it will be a nice 3 day weekend. We are hoping to make it to Raleigh to see a Chocolate exhibit at a museum. Should be fun!