Sunday, August 30, 2009

Beach Etc.

We had a fantastic vacation at the beach. Elie did really well in the car for the 4 hour drive (which turned out to be a bit longer since we had to stop more for Elie). We went to lighthouses, the Wright Brothers Memorial, the aquarium, and Jockey's Ridge park where you can walk on the dunes -that was exhausting carrying the baby and walking in loose sand! Luckily Aunt Rachel was there and she happily carried Elie out of the park.

We had plenty of time to relax on the beach and in the house, cook meals, go out to eat, do a bit of shopping, and celebrate my birthday! Rachel and Adam were very sneaky with Birthday plans - Rachel decorated the house after Adam and I went to bed, Adam and Rachel baked a cake while I had some time to myself at the beach. I got wonderful presents and phone calls from family. It was a fantastic celebration of the last year of my twenties!

Since the beach, Elie has been sleeping better and getting more and more adventurous. She is oh so close of crawling for real, but still prefers the commando crawl after a few attempts at crawling with her belly off the floor. She is pulling up to standing and starting to cruise on furniture, opening drawers in the kitchen, finding power cords (our outlets are already covered), talking, and getting into pretty much everything! Tomorrow we have her 9 month well child check-up... no shots at this one! But, we will find out how much she has grown and make sure all her little systems are doing well.

I am working on sorting out pictures from the vacation (about 400!) and then I plan on uploading them to a snapfish album so I can just send out a link for people to enjoy them. I hope to get that done early in the week. I have a new playgroup this week as well so I am looking forward to meeting yet another group of moms. I am hoping that this group will stick around. Maybe my old Tuesday playgroup will pick back up once the weather cools down.

Adam is almost done with his first "on call" week at work. It hasn't been too bad, but he's gotten lots of pages and a few in the middle of the night, which is quite startling. At least he only has to do it once every 6 weeks.

We are certainly enjoying being back home and knowing that we aren't traveling again until November for Thanksgiving. But we are looking forward to my sister Lara and her little one (5 months now) Vivienne coming for a long weekend in October. I am hoping for great weather and lots of walks and outside time to exhaust the girls so we can relax together at night. Lots to look forward to and more updates to come!

Monday, August 3, 2009
